19 June 2013

Who will stand for Freedom?

I'm not afraid of a crowd or a camera.  I have been interviewed more than once on political issues and appeared in a political TV ad.  It was suggested that my recent personal appearance at a rally and my speechifying performance do nothing to help my Internet Personality.  

That assumes an incorrect motivation behind who I am and what I do.

I'm not trying to foster some "internet personality".  Whatever anyone sees me do, in person or online, has nothing to do with me and everything to do with furthering the cause.  That cause is Freedom.

I'm just a guy like so many others.  But the freedom we share is a fragile and fleeting thing, especially while facing the onslaught from those sworn to protect it.  Sitting mute and trusting our elected officials to make the right choice is not enough.  We must speak out loud enough for them to hear our will.  I've gone so far as to create a 527 political action committee, United in Freedom.  

Our nation was founded by pushing back the enemies of freedom.  Now that enemy comes from within.

With the Scandal-of-the-Day we see surrounding the Obama administration it should be apparent to us all that our government is working against our best interests.  The overt assault on the citizenry from the IRS, NSA, DOJ, DHS, the cover-ups over Benghazi, and moves against our national interest in Syria; the litany of controversy proves that we cannot trust the Executive branch.  We must apply pressure were we can, on the Legislative branch, and hold them accountable.  We cannot afford to fail in this effort.

I'm no paid speaker.  I don't have a research staff.  I have little time to dedicate to polishing my rhetoric.  I am a patriot.  I stand up in hopes that others will join me on the line.

We need to make our choice and choose our side.  I stand for Liberty and Freedom against the forces of tyranny.

Who will stand with me?


  1. Amen Brother!

  2. Critics are jealous and fear the truth .Keep going !!

  3. I will stand with you Charles.
